Myself, Friends, Associates, & Accomplices "It's a definite plus if you don't cause any
massive over- or underpressure in this room." "Hey, there's something warm under my foot...oh, it's my other foot." "It resembles a Gigantic Demonic Tri-Skulled
Ferret Of Doom -- but in a good way" "You're our sex symbol...our James Dean/Jim Morrison..." "Christmas songs would ALL sound better on electric guitars." "I don't want my car's crumple zones to protect
me...I want OTHER cars' crumple zones to protect me." "Baker, you're insane
I like that in you." "Aaahhh
" Ryan: "Clyde, define 'subservient'" "If motorcycles were meant to fly, God would've
given them wings...Harley-Davidson, Honda..." "Tabasco sauce makes everything taste better:
monkey, snake..." "Do you think this is a natural lake?" "Justice demands an eye for an eye and a tooth
for a tooth. Revenge demands both eyes, and a whole
mouthful of teeth." Famous People: "Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated."
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his
country. You win by making the other poor, dumb bastard
die for his country." "You can't be a real country unless you have a
beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a
football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very
least you need a beer." TV & Movies: "Ooooh Nooooo!" "Mmmmmmm...beer..." "There are no atheists in a combat situation!" "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father.
Prepare to die." "Be not that far from me, for trouble is near;
haste Thee to help me." Other: "The new 'Hushed' Ride. As quiet
as honey on velvet!" |